6 Amazing Brazilian Wax Benefits

If you’re tired of spending time in the bathroom bent over with a razor and a mirror, you’ve probably already checked out Brazilian waxing. But there’s more to this popular service than meets the eye.

Smooth, luscious skin just scratches the surface of the benefits of Brazilian waxing. It’s all about you girl, and giving you the confidence to live life your way! 

We’re exposing all of the benefits of going bare today. Without further ado, let’s rip!

What is a Brazilian wax?

The differences between a bikini wax and a full Brazilian are hard to miss. Bikini waxing removes hair from around the bikini line up to the pubic bone but leaves a little something.

When you ask your esthetician for a Brazilian, you’ll get the full treatment. Everything from the front to the back goes. You’re left with buttery smooth skin that lasts much longer than a shave.

If you’re going to go all the way, Brazilian waxing  is the best method to get you there.

What does the process look like?

Intimate waxing is typically offered at waxing salons and spas. When you arrive, you’ll be directed to a private room and have a chance to chat with your wax tech before getting started.

Make sure to let your wax tech know beforehand if you want to leave anything behind before diving in.

Don’t worry about being embarrassed when they leave you to get undressed; they’ve seen it all! When you’re ready, they’ll come back and begin the process. Most estheticians start with the front and work their way around. You might be asked to change positions to make certain areas more accessible or hold skin tight.

Usually, this treatment takes between 15 to 30 minutes to complete. You’ll get specific aftercare instructions from your salon, but here are some general tips.

Wear loose clothing and avoid sweaty activities for the first 24 to 48 hours. Keep things clean, dry, and moisturized for the best results.Your technician will recommend proper aftercare, such as exfoliating, moisturizing and frequency of your subsequent waxes. Most estheticians recommend waxing every 4 weeks.

How do you get ready for a wax?

Before going into your session, a few things will make the process less painful. Keep your pubic hair at least 1/4 inch long. Think the size of a grain of rice, at minimum. Any shorter than that, the wax won’t grab the hair correctly for removal, increasing the chance of ingrowns later.

Exfoliate the area a day before your session to remove dead skin cells with a mitt or cloth. A warm shower will help open up your pores on the morning of your appointment. Open pores can help reduce pain during your session and promote a cleaner result.

Remember that waxing feels different to everyone, and there’s no shame in taking a painkiller beforehand. Ibuprofen and acetaminophen can take the edge off when treating sensitive areas. To avoid bruising, lay off alcohol and coffee for a few days before your sesh. Both of these substances can make your skin more sensitive than it already is.

The many benefits of a Brazilian wax

Achieving the perfect smoothness of a Brazilian wax is often enough for most people. But there are plenty of side benefits that make waxing our favorite method for hair removal.

brazilian wax benefits

Expect smooth, hairless skin

Done correctly, you can expect smooth, hairless skin after your waxing session. Your esthetician will make sure they leave nothing behind if that’s what you want. Wax also exfoliates your skin, which can smooth out imperfections and leave you glowing.

Your hair will grow back finer

When you establish a regular waxing routine, you’ll see another benefit after several sessions. Your pubic hair will start to grow back thinner and finer than before. Follicles start to die off and aren’t replaced, so you’ll see a reduction in how much hair you have to wax.

A side benefit of thinning hair is that your wax sessions won’t be nearly as painful when there’s less hair down there.

Waxing has long-lasting results

Waxing is one of the best methods for long-lasting, smoother skin. Starting out, your pubic hair follicles will be on different stages of the growth cycle. But, as you establish a routine, it settles into a pattern. When all your hairs are in the same stage of the cycle, the results can last for up to four weeks!

Brazilian waxing is a faster method than most hair removal methods

Shaving and depilatory creams take forever and don’t always get all the hair you want removed. Brazilian waxing only takes around 15 to 30 minutes for an entire session. Even early on, results last from four to six weeks, so you won’t have to repeat every few days like you do with shaving.

Ingrown hairs are less likely to appear with waxing (with proper aftercare)

Ingrown hairs are one of the most uncomfortable side effects of all hair removal methods. Typically, hair grows up through the skin’s surface with no problems. Dead skin cells and clogged pores can force it to grow back under the skin, leaving you with ingrowns. Left untreated, you could be dealing with infected cysts, not what you want down under.

Because waxing removes hair and exfoliates your skin, your pores are left open and clear. Using gentle cleansers and exfoliants regularly post-wax keeps ingrown hairs away for good!

Feel more confident in your skin after a Brazilian wax

Walking out of your session, you’ll notice one of the most significant benefits of Brazilian waxing: self-confidence. Loving your body isn’t always easy, but waxing can help reveal a new you!

Not only does it leave you with smooth, silky skin, but it can also help with other skin concerns. Waxing encourages your body to produce more collagen and prompts a healing response. Hyperpigmentation in intimate areas isn’t uncommon, but waxing can help even it out.

Studio Wax will show all the benefits of Brazilian waxing and more!

We love introducing Brazilian waxing to people and seeing it change their lives. Studio Wax in Bellevue, Washington, brings the luxe experience to you. We specialize in waxing for the whole body, from eyebrows to bikinis; we’re the experts. Our team can help you achieve the look you’ve always wanted!

Check out our website to book your waxing session today!


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